In this month’s newsletter, we pay homage to citrus marmalades and their quince marmelada roots, as well as celebrate the fifth anniversary of our Quince HQ newsletter. What better way to mark this important milestone than with a birthday cake (plus the recipe) glazed with my homemade Alphabet Marmalade - so-called because its alternative name can be reduced to the letters LMNOPQ. Truly! And if that’s not enough, brace yourself for some quirky, historic marmalade and marmelada facts, and the backstory to a unique white quince paste.
Here’s wishing you a high-five kind of day! Tell a friend about Quince HQ and let’s share more of the love for quince.
Cathy x
When summer slips away and the leaves begin to fall, quinces are readying their magic powers
It’s a fruit with personality: voluptuous, sensual, golden, fragrant, sublimely aromatic, and oh so versatile. It’s true that they aren’t much fun to eat raw … but the wow factor comes during cooking: Quince + sweetener + heat + time = heaven on a spoon. Pure alchemy.
Though related to apples and pears - which you can tell by their shape - they are botanically different. Their fancy name is Cydonia oblonga; one that shouts back to ancient Greece where the very best quinces in the world were grown in Kydonia, on the island of Crete.
All 16 known quince varieties currently in Australia are growing in the Quince HQ orchard.
The Quince HQ orchard was established in 2013. All sixteen varieties of quince trees have since been sourced from three specialist heritage fruit tree nurseries in Tasmania and Victoria:
Cathy Hughes
0428 720 728
Mon - Fri
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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Website designed by Cate Bell Art Design